ISIS wants us to engage with them. So, too, do many of those Muslim states in
the region. Having the United States and
indeed any non-Muslims involved is a perfect distraction, a perfect recruiting
tool. It’s a distraction because it
allows the parties to avoid facing up to their existential internal conflict
and what it means for the future of Islam.
It’s a recruiting tool because no one likes outsiders interfering with
an internal battle, butting into their business. Whether you want to call it a religious or a
sectarian war, we don’t belong in its middle.
It’s not our problem.
Now don’t get me wrong. Senseless brutal killing is not something that
should be overlooked. But, horrible as the
recent beheadings and other atrocities may be, they are not the problem that requires
our urgent attention. And make no mistake;
we do have a problem. It is one best
seen by looking at a mirror. Yes, our
problem is ourselves. At this moment,
that’s our biggest and, I’d suggest, most dangerous, problem. It is sapping our strength and making not
only our Congress but also all of us dysfunctional. Pundits of all stripe complain that America,
and specifically the administration, has no coherent and consistent foreign
policy. I agree, but how could they?
How can you have a coherent policy — foreign or
domestic — when you can’t have serious rational
conversation in your own land? I don’t
know if the outcome of our staying out Islam’s struggle, painful and in many
ways sad as it is, would be any different than if we commit blood and treasure
to an intervention. My guess is that,
long term, it won’t matter one iota. I
may be totally wrong, but the point is we aren’t having a conversation, an
honest give and take, about it. Instead
people in Washington go into meetings with their exit press statements in hand,
prepared before anyone in the room has offered even a single hello.
Remember those rules that prevailed in many
households, no talk of politics or religion around the table. What nonsense. It’s a spurious rule grounded in the notion
that having different opinions or beliefs don’t merit airing or that hearing a
different point of view wouldn’t be instructive. Let’s not allow logic interfere with our preconceived
absolutist views, let’s not risk having to admit that we might not have it all
exactly right. We’re told that Americans
increasingly chose to live in homogeneous neighborhoods and to interact
exclusively with both the likeminded — friends/acquaintances and the media with
whom we agree. And not only do we crave
reinforcement for what we already believe or what views we already hold, each
interaction becomes a kind of litmus test.
Is out conversational partner really on board, or had we better consider
distancing ourselves?
Barack Obama is wrong and bad, because he’s Barack
Obama. Rand Paul is wrong and bad
because he’s Rand Paul. You can compile
your own exemplars, but you get the point.
Paul Krugman, yes; Ross Douthat, no.
This happens in our own lives and of course in Washington or other seats
of government where similar discord
prevails; answers given before any question is posed. Then there is the assumption of what “the
other side” will say and the motives attributed to whatever is said. It’s a recipe for paralysis, a meal that
seems perfectly cooked every time the political class meets, every time the
pundits send forth their missiles of “wisdom”.
In a recent Times
op-ed the Palestinian scholar Ahmad
Samih Khalidi makes the case against arming the so-called moderates in
Syria. He suggests instead making a deal
with Assad whose army actually has the chops to take on ISIS — has effective
boots on the ground. Khalidi’s take on the
elusive moderates is compelling. He may
be wrong about Assad (boy is that complicated) though we have done an about
face with other ruthless leaders in the past.
The point is that he voices a contrary view and in a cogent way. I’m so hungry, so very desperate, for a real
and serious conversation about what we should and should not do with this
alleged crisis. And my choice of words
is not arbitrary because I’m not sure anyone has yet made a convincing argument
that this is a crisis demanding our crisis action.
When the Twin Towers fell just seventy some blocks
from my Upper Westside home in Manhattan, the American government
retaliated. It was a reactionary, not
necessarily a strategic, move. It
allowed for no discussion. After all
nearly three thousand Americans lost their lives. Whether we should have attacked Afghanistan
at all wasn’t the real issue. What would
happen after the attack, how long it should last and to what end was something
the deserved serious thought, an engagement of confirming but also contrary
views. That really didn’t happen. For sure there was some debate about Iraq,
but hardly at the level that such an audacious move should have commanded. And as to the discussion that did take place,
it was immediately framed in “are you with us or against us”? And more profoundly the kind of litmus test
that has become such second nature to us, “are you patriotic (like me), a REAL
American (I can trust or befriend)?
The President and the Congress don’t get along. He doesn’t reach out, or seem to reach out
with any sincerity. They are wedded to
the partisan divide, those preconceived answers along party lines. Perhaps this has always been the case, but
regardless of office held one has the sense that the holder first foremost
wants to know, is this good for me/my party?
Whether it’s right or good for the country/world comes second, if at all?
Our track record of intervention is not mixed; it’s
depressingly horrid. Iraq is bordering
on a failed state and a repressive one at that.
Looking at today’s news it’s clear that the Taliban are gearing up for
what may be an inevitable comeback. For
sure the “democratic” forces there haven’t gotten their corruptive act
together. Vacuums tend to be filled. We’ve failed miserably in winning “hearts and
minds” there and across the region (more on that in a future post).
We have a poor track record and painful as it is for
me to say, we seem bereft of leadership.
With all his careful thought and weighing of the options, with all his
sense of history, the president is being swept up in a tide of those yelling
the loudest. On the eve of an important
congressional election, he is taking a reactive action to a crisis that may not
be real, or at the very least, not our crisis.
He is moving against a problem that may not be one, at least not our
problem. Reading and listening to the news
I have a sinking sense of déjà vu, this time around of a fundamentalist weapon
of mass destruction. Frank Rich wrote a
powerful book about truth after Iraq called, The
Greatest Story Ever Sold. I
fear we’re being sold again, this time by the president I still support, but
who may be heading us in a very wrong direction.
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