SCOTUS has now spoken and done so inconsistently;
undermining and upholding civil rights in the same week. On one hand, the Roberts Court essentially
neutered the Voting Rights Act that has provided protection for minorities from
discrimination at the polls. In the same
vein, it insured an uncertain future for Affirmative Action; a program aimed a
leveling the playing field for all Americans. And then, the same Court struck down The
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a law that discriminated against married Gay and
Lesbian citizens by denying them the same federal rights and benefits accorded to their
heterosexual counterparts. Then in ruling
the plaintiffs had no standing, it effectively confirmed the Appeals Court
overturning California's Proposition 8. It
was a week that provided opportunities to both cry and cheer.
In its decision on the Voting Rights Act, Chief
Justice Roberts (joined in his opinion by four conservative colleagues)
contended that times and conditions had changed. And so they have. An African American sits in the White House
and more people of color hold public offices and vote than was the case when it
was first enacted or renewed. The bottom
line is that Roberts and company doesn’t think southern states should be singled
out any more, that voter suppression is a thing of the past. I invite him to visit North Carolina where I
live and where a newly empowered Republican super majority in the legislature
and a newly elected governor are seeking to undue years of progress. And yes, now that the Court has spoken, a
voter ID law like the one to be implemented in Texas (another southern state)
is at the top of their agenda. Add this
week's ruling to Citizens United and its fair to say the Roberts Court has had a
profound impact on the electoral process, one that has especially impacted negatively on
the disenfranchised, exactly those who need and deserve to be heard most.
In terms of our society, the DOMA decision may turn
out to be the most important of the week.
In it the Court effectively put its stamp of authenticity on same-sex
marriages, performed in twelve states. By
equalizing benefits it equalized the marriages. But the decision is far more than
symbolic. It will have a meaningful
economic impact on couples who will now be able to file joint tax returns, be
treated equally on inheritance taxes (the issue that was brought to the Court)
and benefit from a host of programs available to other married couples. Working out the mechanics of implementation
will be challenging and that in itself may be one of the ruling's
dividends. As the federal government
reconfigures its eligibility lists and programs, it is likely to run up against
conflicting state laws. Litigation is bound to follow and may ultimately lead to the Court facing the inherent
Constitutional question of equal rights.
And that of course brings me to the Court's punt;
it's non-decision in the Proposition 8 case.
Many of us had hoped that this case, argued by a non-partisan dream team
of advocates, might settle the matter of marriage equality. If DOMA is unconstitutional, shouldn't state
laws like North Carolina's marriage amendment, be as well? But the Court wasn't ready and perhaps we
should have known it. Most
significantly, it turns out, Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn't ready. The tipoff came just a month ago when the
most senior liberal Justice spoke at Chicago University's Law School. Ginsburg, who had been a strong and unwavering
proponent and supporter of abortion rights, is having second thoughts about
the marquee Roe decision. She hasn't
changed her pro-choice views but seems to think Roe was a tactical
mistake. With hindsight, the Justice
suggests that the Court's legalizing abortion across the country in 1973 was
premature and in fact stopped a legalization momentum that was building among
the states. In effect, cutting off the
process before the country as a whole was ready, set off a backlash of ugly
divisiveness that remains to this day.
Here is how Meredith Heagney reported her talk on
the Law
School's website:
"My criticism of Roe
is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg
said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in
a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg
also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy,
rather than women’s rights.
“Roe isn’t really
about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s
freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”
Whether Ginsburg is right in her analysis can be
debated. The countless women whose lives
were impacted, and in some cases saved, by Roe might rightly disagree. But it seems clear that Ginsburg's reasoning
— her tactical reasoning, I'd argue — drove her to supporting a punt on Prop
8. By ruling the plaintiffs had no
standing, the Court effectively sustained the ruling made at a local
level. California will soon become the
13th state to provide for marriage equality and as many as twelve
other states are expected to follow in the coming months.
Marriage equality is in our future and we are fast
moving toward it. It's pretty well
agreed that the Court, to bring along the inevitable holdouts, will ultimately
have to take the decisive vote they avoided this week. One would hope that would happen sooner
rather than later. But what I was
thinking about this week was more than the issues at hand. While there were some surprise alliances, especially on the California case, we see a Court that, like the Congress
and the country, is deeply divided, ideologically and
politically. In past Courts who
appointed a Justice didn't seem to matter as much as how that jurist developed
once exposed to decision making. Justices appointed by conservative presidents
might emerge a moderate or even liberal and ones appointed by liberal chief
executives might turn in another direction.
That time, it would seem, is gone.
What is the Roberts Court? Well it is one whose majority was appointed
by Republican presidents and who hold fast to a shared conservative
ideology. This Court tends to be
pro-business rather than pro-labor, it seems to want to put an end to any
special treatment for minorities, and it likes to cede more power to the states
and less to Washington. While the
current majority likes to criticize previous Courts, especially the Warren
Court, as being activist, this group is clearly more than holding its own in that
regard. As Adam Liptak reminds us in his
analysis of the Roberts Court, the Chief is only 58 and could be in place
for decades to come. That's true — and
disturbing if you believe in term limits, which I do — but the makeup of
federal courts is in the hands of the president and senate. A number of the justices are advanced in age
and what happens in the next decade, will determine if the Roberts Court of today
will be the Roberts Court of tomorrow. A
swing of just one vote can make the difference.
In that regard, from where I sit, nothing can be
more important in the years ahead than insuring a Democrat succeeds
President Obama. But first things first,
a president needs a like-minded senate majority to move forward and confirm his
appointments. The redistricting of the
past years has stacked the deck against Democrats in the House, a place where
all politics is absolutely local. But
statewide elections are not as impacted by narrow and often oddly drawn
lines. When it comes to both 2014 and
2016 I'd suggest that two words be kept top of mind at all times are: Supreme
Court. Adam Liptak says Roberts takes a
long calculating view and is deft at moving the Court to the right. But ultimately
numbers do count and who serves as president will have more to say about
numbers than the Chief. Tomorrow's
Roberts Court could look and act very differently than today's.